RETIREE events
Annual Retiree Luncheon and Awards 2022
The Council of School Officers will host its second Annual Retiree Luncheon and Awards at McCormick & Schmick's National Harbor on May 25, 2022.
Annual Retiree Luncheon and Awards 2019
On May 21, 2019 the Council of School Officers hosted its first Annual Retiree Luncheon at Martin’s Crosswinds, Greenbelt, Maryland. The retirees enjoyed a sumptuous lunch and had the opportunity to fellowship with other retirees. Our president, Richard Jackson, also presented plaques to many present and former staff members. The recipients were Nadine Williams for Outstanding Service, Lois Hopson, former Executive Vice President and consultant, for Outstanding Service, and Barbara Childs for Leadership and former president Aona Jefferson for Leadership. Ms. Magnolia Long, the former office manager, received an award for over 25 years of outstanding service to the members of the CSO. Mr. Jackson also stated that one of our scholarship be named the Magnolia Long Scholarship. The retirees stated that they are willing to assist the members where and when needed. A good time was certainly had by all.